CURSOR #17 – February 1980

Screenshot of a series of concentric rectangles.
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Author: Stephen Rosset
Original file name: COVER17
PRG file: cover17.prg

This month's cover draws a series of nested rectangles, and continually updates the display with regions of regular and inverse video, creating a sort of strobe effect. The routine that updates the screen is written in machine language—you'll have to wait a few seconds for it to load at the beginning—so the strobing is quite fluid.

Pressing SPACE takes you to the table of contents for the issue.

Screenshot of a PETSCII representation of a street map.
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Author: Kurt Carpenter
Original file name: POLICE!
PRG file: police.prg

In POLICE!, you move around a city map, trying to locate a criminal controlled by the PET. You can't see the criminal unless you're within a single city block, but you get periodic alerts (such as ROBBED BANK) that give you clues as to where they might be. You can place a limited number of roadblocks to aid your pursuit.

I did manage to catch the criminal a few times, but it always felt more like luck than good deductive reasoning—typically, I'd act on a hunch, stumble upon the criminal by accident, only to have them blunder into a roadblock and pretty much catch themselves. I think this game's concept is strong, but the execution could use a little work.

Screenshot of a PETSCII version of a Connect Four game board.
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Author: Art Carpet
Original file name: SPOT
PRG file: spot.prg

SPOT is a computerized version of the board game Connect Four for two human players. There's no way to play against the PET, which is a missed opportunity for this program. The game of Connect Four has been solved, although there's no way a brute-force solution could fit in the PET's limited RAM. I'd be interested in knowing whether a moderately strong opponent could be programmed to fit in 3K of free RAM that SPOT has to work with.

Screenshot of a ruler drawn in PETSCII, with markings for halves, quarters, and eighths of each inch.
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Author: David Dwyer
Original file name: RULER
PRG file: ruler.prg

At first, I thought RULER was kind of a dumb premise for an educational program, but that gorgeous PETSCII ruler won me over. The PET gives you a length, and you have to draw a line that stops at the correct fractional marker on the ruler. This is a simple drill program, beautifully executed.

Screenshot of a large letter G composed of smaller letter G's.
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Author: Michael Contino
Original file name: LETTER
PRG file: letter.prg

LETTER is a fun little diversion where you press a letter or number key, and the PET draws a large version of the corresponding character on the screen. This program does not store the pattern for each character, but instead constructs its display from a common library of individiual components.

Screenshot of the title screen of a BASIC program merge utility.
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Author: Glen Fisher
Original file name: MERGE
PRG file: merge.prg

MERGE is a BASIC programming utility that combines two smaller programs into one. Merge utilities were handy tools for BASIC programmers. If you were working on a program, and wanted to include some nifty subroutine that you'd already written—say, a cool title screen or a bullet-proof input routine—you would have needed a merge utility; BASIC didn't give you any way to LOAD subroutines and append them to your existing code in memory. (BASIC 4.0 did introduce an APPEND command, but its purpose was to add data to an existing file on disk.)

According to the flyer, CURSOR magazine used MERGE to wrap reader-submitted programs in their in-house standard program template.

Instructions for the NPACK utility: NPACK is now ready for use. Load the program you want to pack, and type SYS 826.
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Author: Glen Fisher
Original file name: NPACK
PRG file: npack.prg

NPACK is an updated version of CURSOR's PACK utility, which was published in CURSOR #6. NPACK strips extra spaces from a BASIC program listing to make it more compact. Packed BASIC programs become somewhat harder to read, but gain two advantages: (1) they use less memory (RAM was a precious resource), and (2) they run faster, because there are fewer characters for the interpreter to parse. Because it leaves the code in a less human-friendly format, packing was typically done at the end of the development process—although many of us learned to write unreadable code at every stage of development.

Because NPACK does not work with older ROM revisions, we can make a reasonable guess that the N in NPACK stands for "new".

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