A Tourist's Guide to Tierceron

The city of Tierceron is not only the capital of Tierceron province, but also the capital of the Covenant itself. Located on the north shore of lac Gravette, Tierceron is an important port city with access to major shipping lanes and trade routes. Tierceron is the northernmost port on the quaintly-named Caribou Seaway, and as such provides an important link between the port cities and those which lie inland.

The site on which Tierceron now sits was discovered in 1268 by the explorers Christophe Cabal Gravette and R.S.M. Barclay Edwin Overbeck (Rtd.), who believed the site to be a rich source of coal. Gravette, backed by the Coronaise government, established Fort Bitumen to serve as a mining settlement. The area turned out to be a poor source of coal, and Fort Bitumen became a trading post providing a link between Rhuennan and Parshaw. Fort Bitumen fell to the Saxons in 1297 and was renamed Dunsbury. In 1331, the town of Dunsbury was named capital of the newly-formed Covenant. Dunsbury's new status as the capital led to a period of rapid growth and the town was elevated to city-status in 1372, at which point it was renamed Tierceron.

In 1375, an unsuccessful secessionist rebellion, instigated by the Coronaise nationalist Eduoard Henri Delacroix, was put down by the Saxons. Support for secession remains strong in Coron to this day. After over 200 years of an admittedly uneasy coexistence, political pressures, both internal and external, threaten to dissolve the Covenant. Should that dissolution come to pass, Tierceron will likely become an independent city-state.

Today, as the 16th century draws to a close, the city is divided into four distinct neighbourhoods: Fenningdon Ward, Clarendon Ward, the University Quarter, and the Cloisters. As well, for the convenience of those requiring accommodations in the city, we provide “Inn-spirational,” our guide to selected inns in Tierceron.